Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Analysis Of Aldous Huxley s Brave New World - 1153 Words

Perez 1 Martin Perez Honors English 4 Mr. Valdez Period.5 March 21 2016 The advancement of science can progress throughout the years, it is the effect that will make a long lasting impression on humanity. In the novel Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, one sees the dystopian society in which the advancements of science have reigned supremacy over morals and human ethics. By the advancement of science throughout the Brave New World and the way it is implemented in their society one sees the effect on human individuals and notices the warnings Huxley tries to get through. One scientific advancement that Huxley warns readers of is the advancement in biology. In the setting of Brave New World is set in, referred to as the reservation, the†¦show more content†¦The people living in the Brave New World do treasure their lives because they know they can easily be replaced. Furthermore, this process prevents individuality, because everyone is made genetically the same and most if not all people are cloned. Each embryo is genetically modified to fall into one of the social classes they have created for them. Within each social class, all members are made to be intellectually and physically the same and have their own purpose for their predestined lives. Biological technology helps by genetically shaping the minds of the society in this world. In Brave New World , one s intelligence depends on the amount of alcohol injected into their embryo while they are in the test tubes and while their young brain is developing. By Perez 2 generating a world where humans are genetically made, Brave New World warns the reader that advancements in biology can be dangerous if used without care and not for the good of the society. Huxley also believes that the advances in scientific technology can also be a threat to society. In Brave New World, everything is completely made my machine and not human, decreasing the need for creativity and imagination. Ones creativity no longer needed because because machines are able to do much of the work that was made out for humans . The jobs available for people in Brave New World are those that work with mechanics. In Brave New World, any and everything they do is surrounded by technology.

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