Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Pros And Cons Of Global Warming - 977 Words

The transition to a lower emissions future, without compromising the energy security and prosperity of current and future generations, is a lost cause! Powerful forces are preventing us from perceiving our common interest, and these forces with opposing views deny us the ability to reach an equitable solution. Indeed, the insistence that climate disruption deniers are disreputable, to build spurious consensus with ambiguous data, is a gamble! Insomuch as numerous people labelled climate disruption deniers are, in fact, established, and respected scientists. To progress to an equitable lower emissions future, we need to drop the Global warming tag. For example, the term Environmental degradation is a poisonous reality that all mature†¦show more content†¦These credible scientists tell us that extreme weather flux in our meteorological history, has decimated life on earth multiple times in the past! These weather changes carry names like the Holocene Climate Optimum, the Roman Climate Optimum, the Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age. Moderate periods of cooling or warming modulates these larger trends, yielding cold years in warming trends and warmer years in cooling trends. Our environment will get warmer, and cooler, no matter what we do. To proclaim that we can prevent climate disruption displays a malicious ignorance of our planets complex and unsettled history. And allows a hierarchical white supremacist movement the power to endanger the lives of billions. However, we cannot ignore our environmental responsibilities! We need to take an equitable approach with conclusions based on thoughtful analysis of collected data, and not the tactical shrewdness of a tainted environmental movement. An equitable road-map: Despite the systematic manipulation of Sciences tenet that Correlation is not causation, the De-carbonation of earths atmosphere has failed! Additionally, the lack of consensus on ethical solutions ensures that the shrills of environmentalists will continue to thwart our common interests. However, the equitable needs of the developing world overshadows the manipulations ofShow MoreRelatedPros and Cons: Global Warming Essay917 Words   |  4 PagesAlleged Global Warming has been a hot topic and been widely reported in the American media since the 1970s. In March 2014, TED, a nonprofit committed to expanding ideas with short talks, gave a powerful presentation of the alleged current consequences of Global Warming in Gavin Schmidt’s (2014) talk: The emergent patterns of climate change. His claims are stark and he implores his audience to take the grave predictions of Global Warming seriously and not just write it off as insignificant. WhileRead MorePros and Cons of Global Warming Essay838 Words   |  4 Pageswe stop Global warming? The world is changing because of Global warming. 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