Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Pros And Cons Of Global Warming - 977 Words

The transition to a lower emissions future, without compromising the energy security and prosperity of current and future generations, is a lost cause! Powerful forces are preventing us from perceiving our common interest, and these forces with opposing views deny us the ability to reach an equitable solution. Indeed, the insistence that climate disruption deniers are disreputable, to build spurious consensus with ambiguous data, is a gamble! Insomuch as numerous people labelled climate disruption deniers are, in fact, established, and respected scientists. To progress to an equitable lower emissions future, we need to drop the Global warming tag. For example, the term Environmental degradation is a poisonous reality that all mature†¦show more content†¦These credible scientists tell us that extreme weather flux in our meteorological history, has decimated life on earth multiple times in the past! These weather changes carry names like the Holocene Climate Optimum, the Roman Climate Optimum, the Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age. Moderate periods of cooling or warming modulates these larger trends, yielding cold years in warming trends and warmer years in cooling trends. Our environment will get warmer, and cooler, no matter what we do. To proclaim that we can prevent climate disruption displays a malicious ignorance of our planets complex and unsettled history. And allows a hierarchical white supremacist movement the power to endanger the lives of billions. However, we cannot ignore our environmental responsibilities! We need to take an equitable approach with conclusions based on thoughtful analysis of collected data, and not the tactical shrewdness of a tainted environmental movement. An equitable road-map: Despite the systematic manipulation of Sciences tenet that Correlation is not causation, the De-carbonation of earths atmosphere has failed! Additionally, the lack of consensus on ethical solutions ensures that the shrills of environmentalists will continue to thwart our common interests. However, the equitable needs of the developing world overshadows the manipulations ofShow MoreRelatedPros and Cons: Global Warming Essay917 Words   |  4 PagesAlleged Global Warming has been a hot topic and been widely reported in the American media since the 1970s. In March 2014, TED, a nonprofit committed to expanding ideas with short talks, gave a powerful presentation of the alleged current consequences of Global Warming in Gavin Schmidt’s (2014) talk: The emergent patterns of climate change. His claims are stark and he implores his audience to take the grave predictions of Global Warming seriously and not just write it off as insignificant. WhileRead MorePros and Cons of Global Warming Essay838 Words   |  4 Pageswe stop Global warming? The world is changing because of Global warming. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

The Informal Sector Of An Emerging Economy - 3285 Words

Since the informal sector is believed to make a great contribution to an economy, there are a number of research papers which have been done in this sector. Some research has been done in relation to small-business participation in the informal sector. A prime example is from Trinidad and Tobago, considered as an emerging economy, whereby people have the perception of avoiding tax while performing their business and is the reason why people engage in the informal sector. The focus is on socioeconomic, demographic, and attitudinal characteristics that influence people to run their small business (Sookran Watson, 2008). Moreover, Sookram Watson (2008) in their research on ‘Small-business participation in the informal sector of an emerging economy’ explain that the word â€Å"informal sector† refers to the production of goods and services for market orientation, which is not captured in the estimation of a country’s GDP whether these activities are legal or illegal. The contribution of the informal sector to the national economy in the third world economies ranges from 20 to 70 %. It has been commonly thought that the informal sector is the sector linked with the poor and marginalized. However, in reality this sector attracts many people regardless of their social status and educational background. Thus, clearly policy makers need to look at this sector as it offers great economic advantages to both poor people and the country. The purpose of the study conducted by Sookram Show MoreRelatedAdvantages of Urdu Language1599 Words   |  7 Pagesof Women | Women In Informal Sectors | | Submitted To: Miss. Ayera InderaasSubmitted By: Reja Saqib ButtMajor amp; Sem: B.SC(Economics) II | | The informal sector plays a significant role in Pakistan’s economy as well as in other developing countries. Informal sectors are being encouraged by foreign countries and are considered as the plus point in the development of economy. Its role is solving the unemployment problem from the country. Many sectors have suggested that it shouldRead MoreIndi An Emerging Economy Country1723 Words   |  7 PagesINDIA: AS AN EMERGING ECONOMY COUNTRY India, whose name is derived from the River Indus, is moving forward and away from its traditional agricultural economy which has been undertaken for decades, and with an approximate population of 1.2 billion people, the second-most populated country in the world, is categorized as an emerging economy. The term emerging markets was first put down by economists at the International Finance Corporation in the year 1981, when the group was endorsing their firstRead MoreMonetary and Fiscal Policy Essay examples1403 Words   |  6 Pagesapplications to the third world countries with a huge informal sector This essay seeks to explain what are monetary and fiscal policy and their roles and contribution to the economy. This includes the role of the government in regulating the economical performance of a country. It also explains the different features and tools of monetary and fiscal policy and their performance when applied to the third world countries with a huge informal sector. Monetary Policy Monetary policy is the mechanismRead MoreMonetary and Fiscal Policy Essay1508 Words   |  7 Pagescentral bank) controlling money in the economy so as to promote economic growth and stability by creating relatively stable prices and low unemployment. A monetary policy mainly deals with the supply of money, availability of money, cost of money and the rate of interest so as to attain a set of objectives aiming towards growth and stability of the economy. Monetary policy is said to be expansionary when it increases the total supply of money in the economy more rapidly than usual. But it can alsoRead MoreBrazil: Leading the Brics1053 Words   |  5 Pagesmoves into the 21st century is whether the Brazilian style of capitalism, which harnessed their economy towards growth as a developing economy, is sufficient to drive them as a developed country. Averaging 3.8% GDP growth over the last decade, this transition seems inevitable; Brazil has shifted from an agricultural giant to a country in which 90% of the population works in the industrial and service sectors. However, as they make this conversion, they must examine their economic policies to ensure thatRead MoreUrban Development : The Asian Pacific Region1740 Words   |  7 Pagesurbanization, high rates of primacy correlate with the emergence of informal settlements (or slums), inequality and poverty. Figure 1: Past and projected urbanization and urban growth rates in Asia. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

A Scanner Darkly Free Essays

Ashlyn Phillips Mr. Flanigan/ Dystopian Literature Period 2 December 4, 2012 Who Are You? As young children we begin to develop a personality, one that is based off of the people we are surrounded with. When identifying who we are as people, physical appearance is less important in comparison to our spirits and mindsets. We will write a custom essay sample on A Scanner Darkly or any similar topic only for you Order Now The body serves only as a shuttle for our spirits and minds, without these two assets our bodies would simply only be empty shells. In Philip K. Dick’s A Scanner Darkly, the protagonist, Bob Arctor, has fallen victim to a highly addictive drug called Substance D, which has the side effect of splitting the personality in one’s mind. In dealing with the abuse of this drug, Arctor begins to lose himself and forgets what really makes him who he is. Our souls, character and appearance determine who we are as people, without these three attributes it would be very difficult to differentiate between one human from the next. The brain begins to develop in the first trimester of pregnancy, even as fetuses we are able to think and begin to develop our personalities inside the womb. As we enter the world and begin living, our surrounding environments control the outcomes of our minds, bodies and spirits. If you are born into a wealthy family, it is more than likely that you will live a wealthy lifestyle; if you are born into a poor family, it is more than likely that you will live a poor lifestyle. In society, we are first identified by how much money we have, then by how we look and at last we begin to learn more about each other to identify who our characters are through how we wish to portray ourselves. Our personalities begin to develop when we are first able to open our eyes, smile and really when we begin to communicate with each other. From there we begin to learn what we like to do in life; whether it be dancing, singing, painting, playing sports, etc. These attributes are major when identifying a person. Our spirits begin to develop at an early age and although they can be slightly altered as life goes on, we never really change entirely. One can be judged by their physical appearance and be separated from one person to the next simply based on that, however, if asked who Bob Marley is as a person, the answer would be far more detailed than if only asked what he looks like. Personality and character traits are really the basis of determining who we are as people. If a set of identical twins were put in the same room together and a group of people were asked to differentiate between Sarah and Mary, they would only be able to based on appearance. The more in depth question would be, how can you tell who Sarah is and who Mary is? In answering this question many key attributes are discussed such as, Sarah may be more energetic, loud, creative, talkative, religious and athletic than Mary, allowing for their friends to automatically know who is who when confronted by either twin. Personality always gives the answer. If the personality changes or begins to morph into two different sides, determining who someone is becomes a very difficult task. In A Scanner Darkly, Fred goes undercover as a drug addict in order to solve a major case but in doing so, he himself becomes addicted to the drug and his personality begins to split into two different people, Fred and Bob; Fred being the undercover cop and Bob being the addict. As Fred’s life morphs into Bob’s, he begins to lose himself entirely and the world as he knew it before completely changes into something different than he thought. â€Å"He will sink into a needle-and-a-spoon existence, or bounce off the walls in a psychiatric hospital or, worst of all, a federal clinic†¦And all this will occur deliberately, someone figured out what he was doing and then got him this way. The worst way of all: with the stuff they sell that he was after them for selling. (86) His personality can no longer be analyzed because he thinks as two entirely different people as if he has two separate brains in one head. Clearly this is an issue due to the fact that we are recognized by our personalities. If two personalities are competing against one another inside of one mind, there is no way to really know who that person is. Fred loses himself in Bob’s world and the drug becomes more important than anything else, as it usually does inside the mi nd of a drug addict. Without the soul, the body is like a light bulb without electricity. The soul gives the body meaning and purpose, without it there would only be boys and girls, not unique individuals with their own characteristics. The soul carries along every memory, experience, encounter, and detail of each person in the world. A wise soul will think beyond their years, a young soul will stay a teenager at heart forever and an evil soul will end up in the dark side of life and all of these souls grow through life experiences and will only be influenced by these experiences. The soul in one person does not change entirely through life experiences it can only change slightly by being influenced by those around us. In determining who we are as people, the soul is the key ingredient and it should be the first thing that is analyzed from one human being to the next. More often than not, looks do not matter, it is what lies within ourselves that determines who we are as individuals. How to cite A Scanner Darkly, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Statistics and Business Operational Research Methods

Question: Discuss about the Statistics and Business Operational Research Methods. Answer: Introduction: Poultry farming is the process of rearing poultry birds like ducks, goose, chickens for the purpose of meat and eggs (Khusro, Andrew and Nicholas 2012). A number of people in Australia are involved in poultry farming and processing of the products of these farms (Agyarko-Mintah et al. 2014). In this assignment, the change in the practices of poultry farming and its impact on the trade and commerce are being studied. An idea about the data collection methods, analysis and interpretation of the data are given in this assignment. Problem statement: The problem statement of this research is to investigate the impact of change in poultry farming practices on the income or profit figures. Research aim: The aim of the research is to investigate the result of the introduction of new poultry farming methods on trade and commerce. Research objective: The objective of the research is to find out the impact of the applications of new poultry farming methods on the trade and commerce. Research questions: The research questions are as follows: What is the new production rate of eggs and meat? What are the main items of export among the poultry farming products? Are the conditions of poultry farmers and workers in the processing units being imroved? Literature review: Poultry farming is an important agro based industry in Australia. The products obtained from these poultry farms like meat, eggs and eggs white and other products are processed and are sold in packages (Taylor, Butt and Amati 2015). New technologies are applied nowadays side by side along with the traditional poultry farming methods. A lot of companies are coming up in the present days that practices poultry farming (Hoque et al. 2015). Moreover, there has also been a steady growth of the industry since 1970(Arzey et al. 2012). The poultry farming also faces many threats. The free range introduced by the Australian Government increases the chance of avian influenza and other diseases in birds (liu et al., 2012). There is also a threat from El nino current which increases the chance of diseases in birds (Hernndez-Jover, Schemann and Toribio 2013). Variables and hypothesis: The variables involved in this research work are number of birds in a poultry farms, total production figures, salary of poultry workers, and job satisfaction of poultry workers. The production of eggs and meats depends on the number of poultry birds. Therefore, in a regression set up, the production figure will be the dependent variable and number of poultry birds is the independent variable. The salary of poultry workers and their job satisfaction is dependent on the production of poultry products and selling of those products. Therefore, production figures are the dependent variables and salary of workers and job satisfaction are the independent variables. The hypothesis that are to be tested are: H01: There is no change in the export values of poultry farming products. H02: There is a change in the export values of poultry farming products in the recent days. Operational definitions and measurements: The problem in this research work is to estimate the effect of change of export values due to introduction of new technologies in poultry farming. The data collected is both of primary and secondary type. The primary data collected is based on stratified sampling. The whole country is divided into different regions. Each region can be considered as one stratum. Thereafter, a sample is collected from each stratum. A 5% error can be tolerated as the figures are for the whole country and quite large. The secondary data that has been collected to Australian Bureau of Statistics is subjected to non sampling error. Research design and methodology: The data collected is the primary data. The primary data is collected by the process of stratified sampling procedure. The country experiences different types of climate in different regions. Consequently, the natural vegetation of the country will be different in different regions. Based on this, the country is divided into different strata and a sample is collected from each stratum. The research questions can be answered on the basis of the collected data. The data is not subjected to any constraint. Data collection: The data collected in this case includes both primary and secondary data. The primary data are to be collected from the poultry farms about number of birds in each farm, the total production figure of eggs, the total amount of meat produced, the salary of the poultry workers, and the job satisfaction experienced by each poultry worker. This particular data is collected from various poultry farms spread across different regions across the country. The number of poultry farms in the country is subdivided according to different regions. The outskirts of the regions of Sydney, Newcastle, Griffith, Byron Bay falls under the first category. The second category includes the farms of Redland Bay, north and south west regions of Mareeba. Outskirts of Adelaide, Wells area is part of the third group. Perths outer regions are under the fourth group. The regions of east of Melbourne, Geelong and Bendingo regions are under the fifth group. Moreover, the export import figures can be collected from the statistical tables of the site of Australian Bureau of Statistic (Abs.gov.au 2016). Data analysis: The analysis of the data can be carried out by applying various descriptive statistics methods. The measures of central tendency of previous years figures and current figure will reflect the effects of change in traditional poultry farming methods. Apart from these, the regression methods can be applied to find out the effect of change in traditional methods of poultry farming on export import values. In that case, the import export values will be the dependent variable and the production figures of eggs, meat will be the independent variable. A significant value of the regression coefficient will indicate the variable that has a major effect on the export figures. Conclusion: In this assignment the change of traditional methods of poultry farming of Australia will be studied. An outline idea about the methods of data collection and an analysis and interpretation of the data is given in this assignment. The impact of the use of new technology and enforcement of new laws regarding poultry farming on trade and commerce has been studied in this assignment. This would give an idea about the improvement brought about in trade and commerce due to the application of new technologies in poultry farming. The assignment would help the Australian people to take a deeper look into the matter and help to take necessary steps required to improve the condition of poultry farming. References: Abs.gov.au. (2016). 1292.0 - Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC), 1993. [online] Available at: https://www.abs.gov.au/AUSSTATS/abs@.nsf/Previousproducts/DFC49DD61B6B05BCCA25697E0018FD2F?opendocument [Accessed 24 Aug. 2016]. Agyarko-Mintah, E., Cowie, A., Van Zwieten, L., Singh, B.P., Smillie, R. and Harden, S., 2014, June. Reducing Ammonia Emissions from Poultry Litter During Composting through the Use of Biochar. In20th WORLD CONGRESS OF SOIL SCIENCE(pp. 86-86). Arzey, G.G., Kirkland, P.D., Arzey, K.E., Frost, M., Maywood, P., Conaty, S., Hurt, A.C., Deng, Y.M., Iannello, P., Barr, I. and Dwyer, D.E., 2012. Influenza virus A (H10N7) in chickens and poultry abattoir workers, Australia.Emerg Infect Dis,18(5), pp.814-6. Hernndez-Jover, M., Schemann, K. and Toribio, J.A.L., 2013. A cross-sectional study on biosecurity practices and communication networks of poultry exhibition in Australia.Preventive veterinary medicine,110(3), pp.497-509. Hoque, M.A., Burgess, G.W., Cheam, A.L. and Skerratt, L.F., 2015. Epidemiology of avian influenza in wild aquatic birds in a biosecurity hotspot, North Queensland, Australia.Preventive veterinary medicine,118(1), pp.169-181. Khusro, M., Andrew, N.R. and Nicholas, A., 2012. Insects as poultry feed: a scoping study for poultry production systems in Australia.World's Poultry Science Journal,68(03), pp.435-446. Liu, D., Chai, T., Xia, X., Gao, Y., Cai, Y., Li, X., Miao, Z., Sun, L., Hao, H., Roesler, U. and Wang, J., 2012. Formation and transmission of Staphylococcus aureus (including MRSA) aerosols carrying antibiotic-resistant genes in a poultry farming environment.Science of the Total Environment,426, pp.139-145. Taylor, E., Butt, A. and Amati, M., 2015. Making the Blood Broil: Conflicts Over Imagined Rurality in Peri-Urban Australia.Planning Practice and Research, pp.1-18.